Technical Documentation
You would like to learn more about safe façade design with Stamisol Safe One A2-s1,d0?
Please have a look at our documentation with white paper and technical guide.
Choose all-round performance with Stamisol Safe One.
10 reasons why Safe One leads the field:
+ Complete membrane system to Euroclass A2-s1,d0
+ Superior silicone coating for water protection with best rating W1
+ Robust fibre glass weave for enhancing A1 fire protection
+ Independent fire test EN ISO 13501-1, UKCA and EPD
+ Can be used for both closed and open facades
+ Designed for breathability and moisture removal
+ No material shrinkage in times of fire
+ Superior material strength for limited tear properties at the outer wall system
+ Fold tests completed for tensile strength
+ No fibreglass weave fraying on installation
For further information please see our videos and technical data.
Download your CPD Certificate / Summary
Thank you...
...for attending our Stamisol CPD Webinar at 9th December 2024:
A1-W2 AND A2-W1 BUILDING MEMBRANES I An in-depth insight into the options available for façade membranes in terms of optimum fire safety, protection against driving rain and prevention of mould growth.
We hope, you've gained valuable information for your projects and façade design.
If the download of CPD certificate didn't work for you please write to Stamisol CPD Team
You will find the download for the announced checklist for UK standards of membranes here:
DOWNLOAD Checklist Standards UK for Facade Membranes
If you are interested in further documentation or construction models please visit our page
Documentation Stamisol Safe One
If you would like to have a summary of the CPD Webinar please send us an E-Mail
For more informations about Stamisol A1-W2 AND A2-W1 BUILDING MEMBRANES, please get in touch with our UK distribution partner ITP:
Industrial Textiles & Plastics Ltd
Tel: +44 (0)1347 825220